Climate Adaptation Academy

Promoting an exchange of information between municipal officials, researchers, and other professionals.

Climate Corps

Harnessing student power to assist Connecticut communities through a unique service learning experience.

Tools & Assistance

Providing useful resources and programs for Connecticut residents, communities and municipalities.

Coastal Resources

ImageDT图匠数据入选百度AI加速器,以AI驱动零售升级 ...:2021-9-2 · 8月28日,百度AI加速器Demo Day在北京隆重举行,现场汇聚来自企业服务、智能交通、新零售、医疗服务等多个行业的39家企业成员代表ImageDT在经历了 ...



Providing short videos and resources on climate change and its impacts in Connecticut.


Multi-media climate change teaching modules that meet Next Generation Science Standards in a format that allows easy adoption by high school teachers throughout the region.


The Climate Adaptation Academy workshop, 华为路由A2正式发布,余承东强调路由器重要性:2021-11-26 · 【环球网科技报道】11月25日,在华为MatePad及全场景新品发布会期间,华为路由A2正式发布,售价399元,将于12月1日零点在线上全平台正式发售。据介绍,华为路由A2是一款“四核三频”智能路由,采用凌霄四核1.4GHzCPU,256MB内存,覆盖2 ..., focused on projected road flooding with sea level rise along with concurrent impacts to tidal wetlands and marsh migration. 


Coastal municipalities are facing a significant number of challenges in planning for, and adapting to, changing weather patterns and climate change. Lack of resources and staff expertise make it more important than ever that research and support designed to assist municipalities with resiliency planning and implementation be something they can truly use. This study, designed to collect information on what exactly coastal communities can “truly use,” was one of ten tasks comprising the Municipal Resilience Planning Assistance Project, funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in 2015 and coordinated by the Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation (CIRCA). All ten tasks were focused on the coastal counties impacted by Storm Sandy in 2012.

beach erosion
Dune loss at Harkness Beach. Photo: Micheal P. Grzywinski, CT DEEP


GROTON, CT - Connecticut Sea Grant announces a website intended to assist coastal Connecticut beach property owners and beach associations with hazards such as impacts from storms and associated erosion and flooding. The site helps users evaluate threats and prepare to protect property from further damage. A variety of actions, depending on the scale of damage and cost, are provided, including options such as dune restoration, repairing seawalls, moving landward or elevating structures.


  • Coastal Storm Preparedness Story Map for Connecticut
    科技网 --《科技日报》-- 谢家麟:电子挥雷轰 万秘尽囊中:2021-9-17 · · 1920 年生 ·我国 加速器物理及技术专家 ·留美期间研制出世界第一台实用的医用电子直线加速器 · 20 世纪 60 年代初研制成功我国脉冲功率最大的速调管,我国第一台可向高能发展的 30MeV 电子直线加速器,国内第一台电子回旋加速器 · 20 世纪 80 年代领导北京正负电子对撞机工程的设计,预研和建造
    Posted on December 11, 2018
  • Climate Corps Begins its Second Year
    With the start of the fall semester, the UConn Climate Corps began its second year of operation with 24 students enrolled. The Climate Corps is a unique blend of classroom education, service learning, and Extension outreach supported by the Provost’s Office. Students take a fall semester class that emphasizes town-level impacts, issues and responses related […]
    Posted on December 11, 2018


专享定制款《速8》百变播放器 QQ音乐加速你的心跳-千龙网 ...:2021-4-14 · 来源标题: 专享定制款《速8》百变播放器 QQ音乐加速你的心跳 《速度与激情8》如约而至,对于众多中国影迷的来说,这个周末注定要肾上激素飙升。


Video of Carbon Dioxide

carbon dioxide map

净水器代理哪家好?法兰尼净水器与中国高铁强强联合_生活 ...:2021-7-11 · 2021年法兰尼净水器签约知名影视明星于荣光作为品牌代言人,实力品牌与实力明星的强强联合,推动法兰尼进入品牌全速发展的新时代。而此次法兰尼先行重磅投放郑州、武昌、成都、西安北的高铁广告,后续将覆盖到全国的高铁站及动车上,为正深入布局中国的法兰尼注入强劲的品牌新动力。

NASA’s CO2 Video


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